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Public transit


A public transit service is offered to citizens who wish to travel to the central town of the Brome-Missisquoi RCM, namely Cowansville. This service is available only by reservation. Trips are made from a predetermined pick-up point within a set time frame.


Contact information

Business hours

Monday to Friday
8 am to 4 pm

Reservation period
8 am to noon

The office is closed on public holidays. 

Online reservation

Click to book

Reservation deadline

Recurring trip: 5 business days before the first trip One-time trip: before noon on the business day before the trip

Cancellation deadline

One hour before the expected trip time

Boarding time slot

The vehicle can arrive 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after the scheduled boarding time.

Public transit services' policy

The goal of this policy is to create an operational structure that meets the needs of public transit services users and guarantees a reliable, high-quality service.



This project is carried out with the financial support of the Government of Quebec under the Public Transit Development Assistance Program