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Water management

Climate change adaptations for water management (ACCGE in the French acronym)

A social innovation approach to experimenting with green infrastructure in urban, agricultural and mountainous areas of Brome-Missisquoi.

Imagine, achieve, live
Réalisons Brome-Missisquoi


In the face of climate change and its impact on water budgets, MRC Brome-Missisquoi has already implemented a number of changes to better manage the quality and quantity of rainwater throughout the region.

Projects in agricultural areas

While past development and maintenance of agricultural watercourses have helped the region’s farming industry develop into what it is today, agricultural areas have a faster water discharge rate, which increases flood risks and sediment and nutrient transport.

These straight watercourses have low geomorphic stability, requiring large investments every year to maintain them and remove sediment build-up.

Projects in urban areas

MRC Brome-Missisquoi chose to work with the municipality of Bedford as an experimental area for urban projects.

The goal is to assess the effectiveness of street-level rainwater management at the source—for example, removing impermeable surfaces, creating rain gardens, installing rain barrels and installing dry wells. There is also a program to disconnect gutters.

Projects in mountainous areas

Water erosion issues are even worse in mountainous areas, where sediment runoff (and phosphorus in particular) is one of the primary sources of lake contamination.

Restoration efforts for our lakes, which are plagued with issues like cyanobacteria blooms and silt build-up, are primarily focused on controlling the suspended solids brought in by watershed tributaries.

As climate change progresses, rainfall becomes more intense and erosive, requiring structural action to be taken in the watershed in order to control the causes of erosion at the source.