Importance of theme days
Schools have theme days. These days are fun for children and teachers and help children socialize. They have no religious connotation.
It is important that you let your child participate in these days if they wish to do so. These are moments for your child to be a part of the school’s social life or to develop and strengthen their friendships. Theme days help strengthen your child’s feeling of belonging.

Halloween in Quebec is a folk holiday that takes place on October 31 every year. If October 31 is on the weekend, Halloween will be celebrated at school on another day of the week.
Children and teachers dress up in costumes at Halloween. In Quebec and Canada, people decorate their houses, and children go out on the night of Halloween with their parents from house to house to collect candy. Teenagers can also celebrate Halloween. There is no age limit on celebrating Halloween and collecting candy!

Children do Christmas activities at school that celebrate Santa Claus and the spirit of giving. These activities do not celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Children do activities for fun and to learn to share with each other. Children learn the importance of kindness and helping others who are struggling.
Other theme days
Other themed activities take place throughout the school year. Some theme days are for fun, others are for learning about Canada’s history.
Examples of fun themes:
- Pyjama day: Children attend school in pyjamas
- Valentine’s Day: Children dress up in red or pink and can give cards to other children
Examples of learning days:
- September 30, Orange Shirt Day: Highlights how the residential school system unjustly harmed the self-esteem and well-being of Indigenous children
- November 11, Remembrance Day: Highlights the end of World War I and the importance of remembering everyone who has defended Canada