Lunches and snacks
Most students eat at school. In elementary school, children must bring a packed lunch with a meal and snacks. Some elementary schools offer a paid cafeteria service.
Children get breaks to eat their snacks and lunch.
Parents should pack their children a cold lunch, or a hot lunch in a thermos. Most elementary schools have microwaves, but there may be long wait times to use them.
Some examples of good snacks are fruits, vegetables, nut-free granola bars and yogurt.

What to pack for lunch?
Due to allergies, certain foods such as peanuts are banned from packed lunches. You will get a list of banned foods at the start of the year.
Packed foods should be healthy (fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, etc.). You should not pack chips, chocolates or candy for your child. A water bottle is a good idea.
High school lunches
Massey-Vanier and Jean-Jacques-Bertrand high schools have a paid cafeteria service.
Food restrictions are less strict in high school.
As in elementary school, students get a lunch break to eat.