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Labour standards and employer abuse

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Labour standards in Quebec

Employers in Quebec have responsibilities and obligations toward their employees. These standards have to do with occupational safety, pay equity and working conditions.

For example, an employer cannot pay their employees less than the minimum wage set by the government of Quebec.

Get to know your rights and basic working conditions by checking out CNESST’s website or contacting SERY (Solidarité ethnique régionale de la Yamaska) (see the Contact person section below).

Closed work permits: Employer abuse

Workers with closed work permits have contracts that are tied to one employer and cannot simply change employers.

You can, however, contact Immigration Canada at any time by calling 1-888-242-2100. You can also call 911 or contact your local police department in an emergency. Any behaviour that scares, controls or isolates you could be abuse. Abuse can be physical, sexual, financial or mental.

Examples of abuse that you should report in your application include:

  • Physical harm
  • Forcing you to work in a way that is unsafe or puts your health at risk
  • Unsafe or unsanitary living conditions in employer-provided housing
  • Sexual touching that you did not agree to
  • Unwanted sexual comments toward you
  • Controlling where you can go
  • Stealing from you
  • Stopping you from seeing friends or co-workers
  • Taking some or all of the money you are paid
  • Threats, insults and intimidation
  • Forcing you to commit fraud
  • A third party charging you fees for a job or making promises that aren’t real