Community organizations
You can find community organizations in every service hub in the MRC. They are there to help you.
You can turn to these organizations for food or psychosocial aid or help with francization or child-related matters.
To find the right organization for your needs, call the 211 line, check out the 211 website (see the Useful links and documents section below) or contact SERY (Solidarité ethnique régionale de la Yamaska) (see the Contact person section below).
Key community organizations
There are youth centres (“maisons des jeunes”) in Cowansville, Farnham, Sutton and Bedford. They offer services to 12- to 17-year-olds.
These centres give youth aged 12 to 17 a gathering space facilitated by adults who often become important figures in their lives, and a chance to become critical, active and responsible community members.
Volunteer centres (“centres d'action bénévole,” or CABs) exist to promote volunteering. Every MRC Brome-Missisquoi service hub has a volunteer centre or equivalent organization.
Volunteer centres offer services where people aged 55 and up can have a volunteer accompany them or provide them with medical transportation. They also manage food banks. Cellule Jeunes et Familles de Brome-Missisquoi offers emergency food assistance.
There are three family centres (“maisons de la famille”) in Brome-Missisquoi: in Cowansville, Farnham and Bedford. Their mission is to offer services and activities for families with children aged 0 to 12.
The community social pediatrics centre (“centre de pédiatrie sociale”) Main dans la Main also supports families by helping them care for their children if they are in vulnerable circumstances. This support is provided by a physician and social worker.
There are two women’s centres (“centres des femmes”) in MRC Brome-Missisquoi: one in Bedford and another in Cowansville.
These spaces for and by women bring women together for sharing, listening, popular education and general women’s development.
Several community organizations have outreach workers who are there to build bonds of trust, help you with your needs and refer you to necessary services.