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Community organizations

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Community organizations in Brome-Missisquoi

There are many community organizations in Brome-Missisquoi. These organizations are located in the region’s six economic areas.

For a list of organizations and their missions, dial 211 or consult the index of organizations from the Brome-Mississquoi Corporation de développement communautaire (CDC).

Consult the CDC

How can community organizations help me?

If you require assistance to meet your basic needs, deal with isolation, or for francization or other purposes, there are a number of community organizations that can help.

Here are just some of the services offered by community organizations in the region: food aid, francization, budgeting assistance, child development activities, drop-in daycare, help filing taxes, etc.

Talk to SERY (Solidarité ethnique régionale de la Yamaska) for help finding the right organization for your needs (see the Contact person section below).