Environmental management service
In today’s world, there is an ever-growing need for environmental initiatives.
Jointly run by the CLD of Brome Missisquoi and MRC Brome-Missisquoi, the environmental management service provides the public with innovative resources to support sustainable economic development.
We offer several initiatives as services to businesses and organizations, help municipal governments improve their waste management services and work toward building a circular economy through strategies like the Industrial Symbiosis of Brome-Missisquoi.

Waste management
MRC Brome-Missisquoi is required to create and enforce a residual materials management plan (RMMP).
An RMMP is essentially a waste management plan for the region establishing MRC guidelines and goals and identifying how to implement processes to achieve these goals. Scroll to the bottom of the page to learn more about the current RMMP.
MRC Brome-Missisquoi is committed to supporting the government’s objectives by educating, raising awareness and providing information to the local population about best waste management practices. Visit the Waste management section to learn more.

Sustainable development
Brome-Missisquoi is the perfect place to develop a flourishing, environmentally friendly business. Our sustainable development advisor can provide your business, organization or municipality with support and guidance as you go green.

Circular economy
Back in 2014, the CLD pioneered the Industrial Symbiosis of Brome-Missisquoi and has been supporting it ever since.
The Symbiosis aims to create a network of companies to share materials, expertise and services in order to extend the life cycle of materials. Simply put, the goal is to make one company’s trash another company’s treasure.
This project has grown thanks in part to implementing other circular economy strategies, like that of the functional and cooperative economy (FCE) and responsible consumption and procurement.
Residual materials management plan
View the current residual materials management plan to learn more about the measures in place for waste producers in the industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I), construction, renovation and demolition (CRD) and residential sectors.